doherty pete wrote:
when kernel start ,display this

Your system seems to be missing critical device files
in /dev !  Although you may be running udev or devfs,
the root partition is missing these required files !

To rectify this situation, please do the following:
mkdir /mnt/fixit
mount --bind / /mnt/fixit
cp -a /dev/* /mnt/fixit/dev/
umount /mnt/fixit
rmdir /mnt/fixit

You may refer to these instructions at /etc/issue.
If you previously had an issue file, it has been
backed up at /etc/issue.devfix.  Once you've fixed
your system, you will have to restore your old issue
file in order to get rid of this warning.

Thanks for using Gentoo ! :)

i have done:
mkdir /mnt/fixit
mount --bind / /mnt/fixit
cp -a /dev/* /mnt/fixit/dev/
umount /mnt/fixit
rmdir /mnt/fixit

It looks like some files are missing in /dev but before /dev is mounted as tmpfs. This is what I would do to fix it. Boot a bootable CD, Knoppix, systemrescue or whatever. Mount the root partition of Gentoo. Copy null and console over to the dev directory on the hard drive. If you mount like in the install guide, cp -v /dev/null /mnt/gentoo/dev and repeat for console. If you mount differently, replace the needed parts. ;-)

Keep in mind, when you first start to boot, /dev/ is not mounted like it is after you get booted. So, before udev gets started making the needed files, the system needs null and console. It seems there was a third one that was needed but I'm not 100% sure. I always make sure to copy those two when I do a install. No problems so far.

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-)

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