On 01/21/2011 04:43 PM, Alex Schuster wrote:
As FreeNX seems to be dead, I thought I'd give x2go a try. Did anyone
have sucess with this? I don't even find proper documentation on how to
actually use it. According to [1], the Gentoo documentation is [2]. The
last comments state that there is no /etc/init.d/x2goserver script to
start the server. Looks like a bug to me, but maybe it is not needed at all?

What are these various x2go* commands for? Even the x2go wiki [3] does
not document the x2goserver* commands.

I use x2go, but unfortunately I installed the server on a Debian machine, not Gentoo. There, the *.deb package installs and sets up everything automatically and I can connect to it right away. I only run the x2go client on Gentoo.

So I've no idea how to manually set it up. All I know is that it works like a charm :-P

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