> btw, if I need to check if the network is up in a script, I usually do
> ping -q -c1 -w4 some.remote.host >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
> command-to-run-if-remote-host-reachable
> It the advantage that it checks directly connection to the host
> you wish to connect to, so it also won't run the command if your network
> is up, but the remote host is inaccessible...
> If your server doesn't respond to pings, just use some other server
> (eg google's public dns

Or you could use hping, which has the advantage that it tests the actual
service you want to use, rather than just the host it sits on;

sphinx adam # hping2 -c 1 -S -p 80 www.google.com >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo
"it worked"
it worked

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