On 26/02/11 16:41, Mick wrote:
> Where are being these set?
> I currently have:
> /etc/xdg
> $ echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS
> /usr/local/share:/usr/share
> I'm asking because although Enlightenment-17 picks up the kde menu from 
> there, 
> it does not seem to recognise the respective application icons.  If I set the 
> icons manually with absolute paths (e.g. 
> /usr/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/apps/knode.png, instead of the generic 
> knode.png) then I end up with duplicate menu entries for each application 
> when 
> I launch kde.
Go to settings->settings panel.

In the "Look" category find the "Icon Theme" option.

Set you icon theme to Oxygen.

For the duplicates:

Check ~/.local/share/applications/ 
You should find the .desktop files of the applications you changed to
absolute paths,
kde is probably picking up these and the system ones in
The ~/.local ones should not be needed

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