On 03/21/2011 02:19 AM, Helmut Jarausch wrote:

probably, portage-2.2.0_alpha28 has broken my system.

I have reinstalled a binary version of portage-2.2.0_alpha27, but ...

For many packages, portage installs libraries into /usr instead of
/usr/lib64 or /usr/lib32

Probably, the function  get_libdir
(defined in /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass)
returns an empty string.

Seems that some important definitions are stored in
/usr/portage/profiles/features/multilib/make.defaults and for some
reason they are not being honored.

That file should be sourced during every emerge, depending on your
selected portage profile.  What "does eselect profile list" say?
Is the selected profile the correct one?

Maybe using the -d flag with emerge will give you a hint where things
are going wrong.

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