On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Apparently, though unproven, at 16:28 on Sunday 10 April 2011, Dale did
> opine
> thusly:
> > > That was it!  I've now got su-ability from that normal user.
> > >
> > > Funny, though, on my (very) old Debian system I don't seem to have a
> > > wheel.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > >> Best regards,
> > >> Yann
> >
> > I think that is a Gentoo thing.  It does add some security if you don't
> > want a user, like maybe some little kid, getting root access for any
> > reason.
> No, it's pretty standard across Unix.
> The BSD's for example have had it since forever - members of the wheel
> group
> being allowed to sudo anything only came along much later.
> Leaving it *out* is a Linux-distro thing, probably from the usual usage
> case
> for Linux for many years - a server on the web that actually only had one
> user
> even though it was capable of being fully multi-user. The concept of wheel
> for
> su is pretty redundant in that case.
> --
> alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com
Wheel has nothing to do with su; it has everything to do with sudo, but only
if /etc/sudoers is edited to allow the Wheel group sudo access.  Su is for
changing to a different user, or running a command as another user; doing
either requires the password of that user; sudo, on the other hand, only
requires your password, if you're in the wheel group and the wheel group is
given full sudo access, and the sudo access for wheel requires your

Some examples, assuming your user (the one you're logged in as) is in wheel
and requires a password for sudo access (see: visudo):

sudo su  <--- escalates you to root user with your own password.  This is
running "su" with "sudo".
su user <--- switches to "user" with their password required to be entered
sudo su user < -- switch to "user" with your password required to be entered
sudo <command> <-- runs command as root
sudo -u user <command> <--- runs command as "user"
sudo su - user <--- escalates you to "user" and cd's to their home directory

Please read the man pages for sudo and su for more info.

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