On 17/4/2011, at 5:39am, Pandu Poluan wrote:

> So, anyone got any experience using screen and screen+byobu and tmux?

tmux, as discussed here at length in the past.

Useful features include [1].

Because tmux is a single server daemon and you can run tmux commands from both 
inside and outside of it, without needing to go into "command mode", you can do 
useful things like:

  for host in server1 server2 server3
    tmux new-window -d "ssh $host" 

Then using `tmux synchronize-panes on` you can `emerge -pv world` (or whatever) 
to all hosts.

This is just one example. Maybe you need italics support, or something else 
instead. tmux is better than screen lots of minor ways, that are cumulatively 
significant IMO. 

tmux "doesn't need" byobu because it's better than screen in the first place, 
although it does need some customisation, IMO (see attached). If you have a 
window manager that provides a clock, then having it also in your screen / tmux 
status line is just a distraction and a waste of space; likewise CPU meters are 
always so, IMO.



Attachment: tmux.conf
Description: Binary data

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