(Again, sorry for top-posting)

BTW, there are lots of bash gurus in stackovervlow.com. My handle
there is 'pepoluan'.


On 2011-05-09, Xi Shen <davidshe...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> It is not specific to Gentoo. But do not know where to search or post it :)
> My script looks like:
> url="http://mypage";
> curl_opts="-x ''"
> curl $url -d \"mydata\" $curl_opts
> If I execute it, I got an error from curl, saying it cannot resolve
> the proxy ''.
> But If I modify the script to:
> url="http://mypage";
> curl $url -d \"mydata\" -x ''
> It works fine.
> I guess there's something wrong with the argument expansion. Just do
> not know how to fix it. Please help.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Xi Shen (David)
> http://twitter.com/davidshen84/

Pandu E Poluan - IT Optimizer
My website: http://pandu.poluan.info/

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