Alan McKinnon wrote:
They can do any damn thing they want to with their code. They also you owe
support for it in exactly the same amount you paid for it. Which is to say

It's not a question of "should", it's only a question of "Dale would prefer it

So, you think most of the KDE users were happy to see support for KDE3 being dropped, especially considering KDE4 was much less than stable? For me and a lot of others, it was worthless at first. It was good eye candy but not functional even for the little I do.

Yea, it is what I want but it is also what MANY others wanted. Some of those people switched to something else or still use KDE3. It's their code, but if people stop using it, what is it really worth? I'm sure KDE wants to gain users not piss them off and make them go away.

For me, if KDE does such a lousy switch over again, I'll be using something else. Given the posts I read where others have already done so, I doubt I would be alone. I'm all for second chances. We all learn the hard way sometimes. I'm just hoping KDE did.


:-)  :-)

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