Am 14.05.2011 21:31, schrieb Pandu Poluan:
> Hello list!
> Is there a how-to on how to create a 'filer' (kind of like OpenFiler)
> using Gentoo?
> I really don't need many things OpenFiler provided, so I think I want
> to roll-out my own 'GentooFiler'.
> Here's what I need:
>   * iSCSI target
>   * Replication
>   * RAID 0 striping (redundancy will be handled by RAID 1 hardware)
> Here's what I don't want:
>   * Web-based GUI
>   * LDAP and/or AD integration
>   * NAS ability (CIFS/SAMBA, NFS, etc)
> Can you point me to a how-to? Or if such howto doesn't exist yet, can
> you provide me pointers on how to realize the GentooFiler?
> (If there's no howto on making a GentooFiler, I'll be glad to make one
> -- but do point me to the necessary resources, please.)
> Thanks in advance!
> Rgds,
 Gentoo wiki has something on this:

Hope this helps,
Florian Philipp

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