Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

On Monday 08 August 2005 23:40, Alexander Skwar wrote:

What filesystem(s) do you recommend for use on a notebook?
I'm looking for a FS that's fairly stable even if all of a
sudden the power goes away (battery empty) and one, that
also doesn't (overly) unneccesarily spin up the hard drive.

I don't think that I'll use Reiser4, as it's lacking an
online fs resizer. At least making the fs bigger should be
doable while the FS is mounted.

I do not have any direct experience, but from all that I read over the years I came to this:

XFS is very fragile, when the power is failing.
XFS will replace damaged files with zeros

this is both not acceptable.

Reiser4 is alpha code in motion.
I would not touch it with a 10 feet pole at the moment.

Well 4 filesystems left ;)

In the last year, I have run XFS, reiserfs v3, and ext3 on my laptop. I mostly agree with you, although XFS doesn't really replace entire files with zeros, just blocks that have been allocated but not written with actual data...so /var/log/messages is likely to get some zeros in the event of a bad crash. Files that were not being written at the time of the crash are not affected.

Having run them all, my recommendation (and what I run currently) is ext3. My soundbite summaries of each are:

XFS: aggressively caches, so might give you some power savings...although real-world savings are likely to be slight to none. Nice features (the only one that offers a free defragmentation utility, even if it is brain-damaged). Cannot be shrunk, only grown.

Reiserfs V3: Excellent performance for _some_operations, slower performance for others. Also can only be grown.

Ext3: Best journalling options available, including full-data journalling if you want it and do not mind the slowness. Otherwise good performance for the opposite operations as reiserfs. Can be grown or shrunk.

I do not know of any Linux filesystem that can be resized while still mounted.


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