On Wednesday 01 Jun 2011 23:50:18 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> , though unproven, at 00:05 on Thursday 02 June 2011, Mick did opine thusly:
> > On Tuesday 31 May 2011 14:45:47 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > > Apparently, though unproven, at 13:46 on Monday 30 May 2011, Mick did
> > > opine
> > > 
> > > thusly:
> > > > e17 is the best desktop for me, because it is extremely light footed,
> > > > has enough eye candy (if you need that) and it is relatively
> > > > configurable.  Until  it becomes stable you'll need to compile it
> > > > from svn.
> > > > 
> > > > Alan, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "huge mind shift"?
> > > > Unless my  mind shifted and wasn't aware of it!  :))
> > > 
> > > I meant that for someone using e17 for the very first time they will
> > > find something quite unfamiliar.
> > 
> > I know what you're mean!  I am still looking at the advanced Fonts config
> > menu waiting for inspiration ... one day I hope it will make sense how
> > that GUI is meant to work.
> It sort of works something like this:
> edje does themes, one of it's tricks is to have standard theme-able
> elements. Title bars look like this, menu text looks like that, and so on
> The advanced config lets you change these settings to be different to what
> is coded into the theme in use.
> Which is all very fine and dandy - the same approach would let you change
> the images used for min, max, close buttons for example.
> Except I've never actually seen the dialog DO something. I've fiddled with
> various settings and ... nothing changes.
> So I dunno. Maybe it's dead code and not a single dev has ever noticed.

I'm staying clear of it for now, because it does not have a 'reset to 
defaults' button.  My confusion is that I can click to an item on the left, 
e.g. "Menu Item" but there is no font on the right already highlighted to show 
what is the default font for the selected item.

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