On 8/9/05, Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fernando Meira schreef:

> I've been looking for comments about this process... and I got a little
> bit scared.
> In my case, i have (in order):
>  - /dev/hda1 - 9.8G  windows
> - /dev/hda2 - EXTENDED
> - /dev/hda5 - 23G   share
> - /dev/hda3 - 512Mb swap
> - /dev/hda4 - 4.6G gentoo
> So, am I wrong or is it impossible to merge hda1 and hda4 with hda5 in
> between?
> I could rearrange swap and even create /boot, but I wont be able to move
> (at least at the time being) my share partition.
> If I'm right, then what are my choices?

Honestly, I'm not quite sure why you feel the driving need to merge

*You are a Linux user. You can mount partitions wherever you want.*

Of course... so obvious and I realize it before...

I don't think you can "merge" hda1 and hda4 without setting up LVM, but
there's no reason that you can't boot from a LiveCD, mount the
newly-empty hda1 to /mnt/temp, rsync the contents of /usr (or /var, or
whatever) to that partition, rename the current /var (or /usr, or
whatever) folder to var(usr).tmp, then edit your fstab to mount hda1 to

Ok, so what would be the best way? Since the current partition is quite limited (4.6G), I would need to "move" (mount) there something that worth the 10G. Mounting /home and pointing $PORTAGE_TMPDIR and $DISTDIR to that partition would be a good idea? Or split it into 2 (or 3) smaller parts and mount there /usr and /var (and /home or other)... this now is just to find a better way to use the available space.

Thanks for the help.

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