Am 12.06.2011 01:19, schrieb Matt Harrison:
> Hi list,
> I don't know if anyone is subscribed to the ruby-talk mailing list at
> the moment (or used to be on the comp.lang.lisp group a while ago).
> There is an odd character there who is harming the community by either
> being insane (not my words -- those of ruby guru Ryan Davis) or with
> extremely well crafted trolling.
> I see the trouble that ruby-talk is having with him and I wondered
> firstly, if we would have similar trouble moderating his crap (he
> alternates between email, usenet and forums. Apparently they can't
> moderate him) and secondly, if/when he turns up here can we please shoot
> him down the instant he arrives.

In case there is serious trouble (spam bots and mis-configured
out-of-office replies are the only cases I know of), you can file a bug
for the mailing list at under the "Gentoo
Infrastructure" project.

Florian Philipp

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