On 06/16/2011 06:45 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
Is there a simple explanation concerning the difference between the
two locales I have seen on Gentoo machines?

1) /etc/locale, as specified in the installation documents

2) /etc/env.d/02locale as has been discussed on the list recently

There is no /etc/locale. I assume you mean /etc/locale.gen. That one only contains the locales for glibc. You should not specify env vars there. You only list raw locales. Mine for example has these contents:

  en_US ISO-8859-1
  en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

/etc/env.d/02locale is of a different format. It's executed as a script, so you set your locale-specific env vars there. You only need LANG actually, and possibly LC_COLLATE. The whole contents of mine:


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