I upgraded cups to 1.4.6 today and my Macs could no longer print to it.
I looked and the avahi USE flag is gone, so I checked the avahi wiki
page to see if some other flag should be used.  That page said this:

        Zeroconf isn't enabled by default so you have to browse the CUPS admin
        page and enable it. Open http://localhost:631/admin if you're running it
        on localhost and enable the "Share published printers connected to this
        system" option. "Change Settings" will restart CUPS and your printer
        should be instantly visible to zeroconf-aware applications in the local

        Unfortunately, shared printers from other systems aren't usable with
        zero configuration by default. You have to check "Show shared printers
        from other systems" under Administration and you have to actively search
        for them and manually add them in the webinterface. 

I looked and I already have those options set.  My config file has the
following sharing options:

Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow all
BrowseAddress @LOCAL
BrowseLocalProtocols CUPS

I'm not sure what I'm missing for the Macs to be happy like they were
with 1.3 and avahi.


There are 10 kinds of people in this world:
        Those who can count in binary and those who cannot.

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