On Thu, 11 Aug 2005 21:19:43 +0200
Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How would you feel if a company bought lots of
> too-small-to-be-readily-visible flying cameras (like the mosquito-cams
> in the Dan Brown book Deception Point :-)) and followed you around
> wherever you went (in these "public" places, which would certainly
> include shops but not the bathroom...)? Without you being conscious of it?
> Very useful to follow someone around to get their (window)shopping
> habits, and almost certainly completely illegal. How are these different
> (apart from legality)?

Um...you may not know this, but Holly is in the UK.  London in particular has
cameras all over the place.  From what I've heard, it's not possible to walk in
public there without being recorded.  In public, there is already a trail of her

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