On Fri, 2011-07-22 at 21:53 -0400, CJoeB wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> First, thanks for all the input regarding CFLAGS.
> Can I be honest here?  My technical skills don't seem to be anywhere
> near on a par with most of the people on this list.  I've been using
> Gentoo since 2004 and the reason I do, is for the control that I have
> over my system.
> Because this will be a new computer and I may essentially void the
> warranty if I alter the pre-configuration, I seriously thought about
> leaving the status quo and putting up with Windows 7.  However, I would
> lose practically as much as losing my first born!  I would have to put
> up with all the things that bug me about Windows and I wouldn't have all
> the programs that I love in Linux.
> If I am a "chicken shit" and still want Linux, I could install another
> distro, like Kubuntu, where you can be almost brain dead and still get a
> running Linux system, but then I would sacrifice the control that I know
> and love about Gentoo.  I'm not willing to do that either .... at least
> not without a fight.
> I've always managed to get my Gentoo system running and maintained, but
> I've always used an x86 iso and stage 3.  I've googled and didn't really
> find a definitive answer to my question so, I am bowing to the experts
> on this list and asking you guys to bear with me and help me out.
> What would you recommend that I used for the iso an stage 3?  As a
> reminder my computer is a Dell XPS 8300 with an Intel Core -i7-2600
> processor.  I'm a little confused between the choices x86 (which seems
> to only apply to Pentium 4 systems and only utilizes 32-bit processing),
> amd64 and ia64.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Regards,
> Colleen

An option that might sidestep any warranty issues could be to install
linux into virtualbox/vmware etc and run it on a barebones win7 - with
the power of an i7  and it running full screen, you would not even
notice its not on the bare metal!


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