Hartmut Figge:

> Now, shouldn't these have been found already by the previous revdep-rebuild?

And after the next revdep-rebuild --library='libosp.so.*' the same two
packages are found and rebuild. And so on.

i5 hafi #  revdep-rebuild -p --library='libosp.so.*'
 * Checking dynamic linking
[ 22% ]  *   found /usr/bin/onsgmls
 *   found /usr/bin/openjade
 *   found /usr/bin/osgmlnorm
 *   found /usr/bin/ospam
 *   found /usr/bin/ospcat
 *   found /usr/bin/ospent
 *   found /usr/bin/osx
[ 67% ]  *   found /usr/lib/libospgrove.so.0.0.1
 *   found /usr/lib/libostyle.so.0.0.1
[ 100% ]
 * Generated new 3_broken.rr
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R    ] app-text/opensp-1.5.2-r2
[ebuild   R    ] app-text/openjade-1.3.2-r3

Hm. *g*

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