On Friday, 29 July 2011 07:58:13 Daniel Hilst Selli did opine thusly:
> Em 28-07-2011 12:05, Alan McKinnon escreveu:
> > On Thursday 28 July 2011 11:53:04 Daniel Hilst Selli did opine 
> >> I have some old kernel trees here.. But there is no Makefiles
> >> for some of them. I did not remove the Makefiles. There is
> >> anyone having the same problem? Whats happen?
> >> 
> >> I emerge -NuD periodically, some times I see my kernel
> >> being updated.. May portage remove my Makefiles??
> > 
> > In real life, portage seldom (if ever) *updates* a kernel src
> > package. Almost all kernel versions, even ones with teeny-weeny
> > -r changes in the version number, are an entirely new package
> > which installs into it's own directory in /usr/src/
> > 
> > So,
> > gentoo-sources-2.6.39-r1
> > will touch nothing belonging to
> > gentoo-sources-2.6.39
> > 
> > This is in contrast to how most packages work, where -r versions
> > contain gentoo patches or ebuild tweaks but still use exactly
> > the same sources.
> > 
> > Perhaps you have unmerged old kernel sources that were
> > previously
> > built. In this case portage will remove the files it put there
> > and leave everything the compiler built. Run this:
> > 
> > du -sh /usr/src/*
> > 
> > Anything with a size of about 300M has probably had this happen.
> > Intact trees that were built tend to come out at around 700M
> Thanks for replying, so this might be the case
> output -> http://sprunge.us/YMAM

Please don't use images on websites like that for command output, 
rather just copy the text from your console into the body of the mail.
> Can this be done after a emerge --depclean, while booted on some
> newly emerged kernel?

--depclean is unlikely to do that as kernel sources almost always end 
up in world. It will behave different if you emerge the sources with -1

The running kernel has nothing to do with what portage may or may not 
do with your installed sources, much like how KDE will still run fine 
regardless of whether you have the tarballs downloaded or not, or 
whether you have KDE source trees lying around or not.

I don't know what the answer to your question is, your statements are 
vague and only apply to principles but you want specifics. You are 
going to have to look inside those directories and see what is there, 
because I can't.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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