> So after upgrading against the Range header vulnerability, I find that
> apache-2.2.20 seems to litter /etc/apache2 with standard configuration
> files, while I don't remember anything at least in 2.2.1x range doing that.

Same thing happend to me, but it seems this new config files are not
included per default. I am not really sure what to make of this. Which
file should I edit from now on?

All files seem to be valid, there are no ophans in my apache2 directory
(excluding my froxlor and ssl config)

# find /etc/apache2/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 qfile -o | egrep -v

And if you google for "gentoo apache 2.2.20" guess what you'll find?
Yeah, that right, this Thread! :)

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