On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 17:37:53 +0200, Joost Roeleveld wrote:

> There are 3 solutions for this:
> 1) The easy way out: the whole user-space must be available before udev
> 2) udev actually includes correct error-handling for this and retries
> 3) udev splits this into 2 seperate tools

4) udev remains one tool but with two modes of operation. when in
early-boot mode, it can only run a restricted set of rules - such as
those using LVM, RAID, cryptsetup, network device naming. When switched
to "full" mode later in the boot process, it loads the rest of the rules.

Which rules it runs it early-boot mode could be decided by adding a flag
to the rule to mark it acceptable for early boot usage. That way,
existing rules would automatically be deferred  unless package
maintainers update the rules for those they know will work early in the
boot process.

It saves writing/learning/debugging a new tool and gives maximum
compatibility with existing configurations.

This is pretty similar in concept to your suggestion 3, but a different
approach to its implementation.

Neil Bothwick

No, you *can't* call 999 now. I'm downloading my mail.

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