On Sun, 02 Oct 2011 14:51:56 -0500, Dale wrote:

> I generally use autounmask or portages unmask feature and it gives them 
> names.  Thing is, just because is it named something doesn't mean that 
> is what is in it.  I had a KDE unmask file that had things that were
> not KDE but was needed by KDE.  It has all sorts of weird things in it.

That makes sense. The USE flags are there because of KDE and if you ever
go over to the other side you can get rid of them.

> Maybe I need to study the find command or something.  lol  Then again, 
> I'm confused enough already for today.  :/

You need grep, not find, if it's the content of the files that matters.

Neil Bothwick

"A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no
mercy." \xA0-- Joseph Campbell

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