On 2011-10-05, Canek Pel??ez Vald??s <can...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> And the set of init scripts that belong to grub2 are just to try to
>> auto-magically generate the config file?
> With options from /etc/default/grub, yes. But please stop calling the
> files in /etc/grub.d "init scripts".

I'm not calling those "init scripts".  I'm referring to 


That's an executable /bin/sh shell script.  Don't know what that is
called if not an "init script".

And then there are these (also /bin/sh scripts):

I assumed these were also some sort of init scripts, but I don't
really know when they get executed.

> That's the whole reason I dragged the init systems into the
> discussion: you said that GRUB2 "got it's own initsystem and it's own
> set of init scripts."

You forgot the part where I said "at first glance under Ubuntu, it
appears that" or somesuch.

> And it's simply not true. Maybe with the best of intentions, but
> that's disinformation.

To me, /etc/init.d/grub-common is an init script.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Excuse me, but didn't
                                  at               I tell you there's NO HOPE
                              gmail.com            for the survival of OFFSET

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