Hi Raffaele,
"Gentoo Cross Development Guide" is deprecated in favour of Gentoo Embedded
project, which so far seems to suit my needs. I had a quick look on
CodeSourcery's products a few days ago, but in freely available version they
don't seem to offer me more than toolchain compiled with crossdev. Maybe I'm
wrong and if I'll get stuck I'll give them a go. AFAIK the biggest
disadvantage of crossdev-created toolchain, compared to other cross
compilation tools, is that without usage of emulator (like qemu-user) it is
not possible to compile things that use in their configure scipts checks
that need to be run on the target architecture (like Perl).
Sticking to arm-none-linux-gnueabi-emerge offers quite a lot of comfort so
far, so I'll see where I can get.
Thanks for your tips!


2011/10/14 Raffaele BELARDI <raffaele.bela...@st.com>

> On 10/14/2011 01:14 PM, czernitko wrote:
> > Hello!
> > I started playing a little bit with cross compilation for ARM
> > architecture. Using crossdev I created a toolchain for
> > arm-none-linux-gnueabi tuple.
> > Now I'd like to emerge some more packages, but perl constantly refuses
> > to emerge and it is needed by many packages.
> Not a direct answer to your question, but I managed to cross-build a
> functional linux rootfs (including X11/Xfbdev and QTEmbedded) for ARM
> using buildroot. I found buildroot much easier to use than trying to
> follow the now-deprecated "Gentoo Cross Development Guide".
> Also, I used CodeSourcery's toolchain instead of building my own.

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