On 9 November 2011 17:09, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to have the Handbook in a format convenient for reading in
> ebook readers.
> Now, I know I could take the existing HTML files and convert them, but
> I think it'd be nicer if I could get the handbook maintenance scripts
> to automate a conversion process, and then I could download the epub.

The Gentoo documentation is generated from XML, so creating something
to generate a .epub (which is just a bunch of zipped .html files)
shouldn't be too hard.

That said, I have had great success using Instapaper to create .epub
from .html. If you coupled that with a service which creates RSS feeds
by watching static pages for changes, you could have an updated epub
every time the RSS got an update. Easy! *

Steven covered everything else :)

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