On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 17:17, Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> wrote:
> Since updating to Openrc 0.9.4 , I'm getting some opaque messages :
> (1) When starting eth0 : "You are using a bash array for config_eth0.
> This feature will be removed in the future.  Please see net.example
> for the correct format for config_eth0".

Open /etc/conf.d/net

Compare it with /etc/conf.d/net.example

For example:

The old way of writing multiple addresses for eth0 is:
config_eth0=("" "")

The new non-bash-array way: config_eth0=" <newline>"

Make sure you rewrite your conf.d files according to the new way.

> (2) When starting D-BUS system messages: "Use of the opts variable
> is deprecated & will be removed in the future.  Please see extra_commands
> or extra_started_commands".
> I've looked in the obvious places in /etc , but see nothing relevant.
> Can anyone explain what these messages mean ?

The relevant initscript in /etc/init.d is still using opts="..." line.

The newer way is to put the words in opts="..." into
extra_commands="..." or extra_started_commands="..." (both parameters
described in man runscript)

You *can* edit the offending initscript, but it should be the
package's maintainers' responsibility to revise the initscript and
release a new revision.

(That said, a new revision *might* have been released, but still
unstable "~arch". Just wait awhile -- say one or two months -- and
update to the fixed new revision).

FdS Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~

 • LOPSA Member #15248
 • Blog : http://pepoluan.tumblr.com
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