On 11 December 2011 21:42, Michael Orlitzky <mich...@orlitzky.com> wrote:
> On 12/11/2011 01:10 PM, James Broadhead wrote:
>> I didn't take this email at face value when I read it earlier, but I
>> just merged my openrc-0.9.7 config file.
>> Wow, what a cynical move.
> It's not cynical. If you put a cool-sounding option in there with a comment
> that says "this will delete all of your documents," some idiot (i.e. me) is
> probably going to enable it.
> Parallel doesn't work correctly, and it shouldn't be enabled unless you're
> looking for fun ways to break stuff.

It's worked for me ever since I switched all of my machines to OpenRC
a year+(?) ago.

"We broke it, so let's just remove the comments about it" _is_ a
cynical response.

>> Perhaps someone could do some performance testing on rc_parallel to
>> find out if it's worth fighting for as a feature.
> The directive still exists, it's just been removed from the default rc.conf.
> This prevents people from thinking "well, parallel is better than not
> parallel, so I'm gonna enable it." I should know, most of my machines still
> have it enabled and that was the extent of the research I did.

Parallel _is_ better than Not Parallel - at least in general.

I was proposing some concrete testing rather than data-less
complaining, or allowing it to be brushed under the rug

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