On Mon, 02 Jan 2012 13:37:12 +0100, Florian Philipp wrote:

> Well, it is partially integrated: When it is not /home/* but some other
> partition/external disk, then KDE supports decrypting it when you mount
> it (like memory sticks). It can also save the password in kwallet. Gnome
> can do the same. However, if you want to use it for /home/* and don't
> want to enter the password twice, you should use pam_mount.

Alternatively, if you are using dmcrypt to encrypt /home, and you are the
only user, set KDE to auto-login that user. The login will fail if
dmcrypt failed to open your home partition, so one password
effectively secures it all.

Neil Bothwick

What did the first man to discover you can get milk from cows think he
was doing? - anon.

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