I am trying to run a custom kernel with gentoo on linode64, but there's
strange problem I'm facing.
The root always gets mounted read-only, I don't know why. I have this
line in menu.lst:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-3.1.6-gentoo root=/dev/xvda rw

Also, the /etc/fstab line says:
/dev/xvda / defaults,noatime 0 1

Everytime I boot with the custom kernel, the root is getting mounted as
read only. The funniest thing is, even after proper shutdown, a disk
error pops up on /dev/xvda, because I see the message during boot.

Anybody knows how to get this thing working? I don't want to use
linode's stock kernel, the xfs code in it seems to have some bug.

Nilesh Govindarajan

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