I am not interisted in Pulseaudio.

I am using freeswitch, and Portaudio doesn't support PulseAudio,
therefor I need to make it with bluez and to make a alsadevice for

This is the problem.

What you advised, doesn't work for me. the hell I know why. I added the
device, and the headset was in discovery mode. I added it, okay. but
even though on pulseaudio I don't see the device at all.

however, I need to see it as an alsa device. this is my problem.

But thanks so far....


Am 06.01.2012 05:47, schrieb Canek Peláez Valdés:
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Tamer Higazi <th9...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi people!
>> I am not getting smart how to connect my bluetooth headset on gentoo
>> linux having a continues connection with an alsa device.
>> Is there anybody here who did that before?!
> I do it all the time.
>> For any support from you I would thank you.
> I use GNOME and PulseAudio. It just works. You go to Bluetooth
> Settings, add a new device, detect the headset, do the pairing and
> that's it. You can dynamically change from the headset to the built in
> sound card (or cards), or set individual programs to work with the
> headset (like Skype, for example).
> I'm using GNOME 3.0 and PulseAudio 1.0, but it worked like this since
> GNOME 2.2x.
> Regards.

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