On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 10:36:29AM -0700, Penguin Lover Joseph squawked:
> On 01/05/12 09:59, Willie WY Wong wrote:
> >It should be the same font as other user interface elements, and
> >controlled via the "-font" option. Hum.... actually that shows where
> >the "Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion" warning for me!
> >By changing to a different fonts for the interface I can sometimes
> >reproduce the warning. So maybe setting the font will help. You can
> >also make that setting systemwide by putting an appropriate
> >incantation in xpdfrc, according to 'man xpdf'.

> How to you control it via ""-font" option?
> It seems to me I'm missing some fonts or they are not correctly setup.
> I've added these fonts to /etc/xpdfrc but it did not help. 

I use the font names given by `xfontsel'

Suppose I want to use 'times' family, regular weight, no slant, pixel
size 14 (just to make it bigger), I select those options in xfontsel
using the dropdown lists, and click 'select' (which copies the string
to the clipboard). I then paste the string, which happens to be the
into my xpdf incantation
 xpdf -font -*-times-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
and I get the chosen font for the interface elements.

You can alternatively set the X resource xpdf*fontList using the
method described http://xwinman.org/resource.php

(basically add to ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources the line
  xpdf*fontList: -*-times-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
 and restart X [? I am not sure if that is necessary, memory suggests
 that this file is only read when X starts, but my memory could be


Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire 
         et vice versa   ~~~  I. Newton

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