Rennie deGraaf schreef:
> What command does one use to find what package(s) provide a particular
> file, given that that particular file is not present on my system? For
> example, I need a program called "foobar", but don't know what package
> provides it. Under Fedora, I'd use "yum provides foobar"; what command
> should I use under Gentoo?
> Something like "esearch foobar" searches package titles, not contents.
> So, if I was searching for "vi", I'd get all sorts of stuff that has
> nothing to do with the editor "vi", but happens to have the substring
> "vi" in its name.  And if I was searching for "", then I
> might not find any matches, since that file might be in a package called
> "foobar".  In other words, "esearch foobar" doesn't do what I want.
> Thanks,
> Rennie

equery belongs equery
[ Searching for file(s) equery in *... ]
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.2.1_pre5 (/usr/bin/equery)


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