Dear All,

I would like to ask what should I do in this case? I would like to
make a new kernel using genkernel but there is no 1.8.1 version of
busybox and it's not available in portage. To be honest I don't want
to do a new kernel by hand despite the fact it would be a few

Thanks for any help in advance!

sa-home Downloads # genkernel --menuconfig --no-mrproper --no-clean all
* Gentoo Linux Genkernel; Version
* Running with options: --menuconfig --no-mrproper --no-clean all

Could not find source tarball
/var/cache/genkernel/src/busybox-1.18.1.tar.bz2. Please refetch.

sa-home Downloads # eix -s busybox
[I] sys-apps/busybox
     Available versions:  1.17.4!t (~)1.18.4!t (~)1.18.5!t 1.19.0!t
(~)1.19.2!t (~)1.19.2-r1!t (~)1.19.3!t 1.19.3-r1!t {debug elibc_glibc
ipv6 make-symlinks mdev nfs -pam savedconfig selinux static}
     Installed versions:  1.19.3-r1!t(01:29:36 PM
01/16/2012)(elibc_glibc ipv6 pam -make-symlinks -mdev -savedconfig
-selinux -static)
     Description:         Utilities for rescue and embedded systems

sa-home Downloads #

- -
--  Csanyi Andras (Sayusi Ando)  -- --
--  ""Trust in God and keep your gunpowder dry!" - Cromwell

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