On Friday 27 Jan 2012 12:31:50 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jan 2012 12:21:16 +0000, Mick wrote:
> > Don't take it personally.  On counter-interviewing the interviewer I
> > came to the conclusion that she was looking for young IT literate
> > candidates with networking and security knowledge, who would be keen to
> > work for Google at a (relatively) low salary.
> I don't think anyone could think Alan or I was young. From Alan's posts
> on here, I would employ him in anything but a department of one!
> My contact was interested in someone with experience in high performance
> clusters. Can anyone point to a post of mine, here or anywhere else, that
> implies that my knowledge of clustering extends beyond being able to
> spell it?

You're attributing intelligence and thoroughness in researching for suitable 
candidates, which I have not as yet found in recruitment agents, or even many 
high level head hunters.  They just cast a wide net and see what sticks to it.  
Ask them an off script question and they are lost at sea.

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