On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 8:48 AM,  <v...@ukr.net> wrote:
>  Hello!
> On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 01:16:01 -0600
> Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Does anyone have a better search tool?  I don't like Yahoo either.  I
>> do like froogle so that would be a bonus.  You know, shopping tool.
>> Thoughts?  Suggestions?
>  What about Yandex? It provides a search tool and a mail box with POP3
> and IMAP protocols support free of charge. And by the way, they say
> that the mailbox size is also indefinite (well, at least
> theoretically :) ).

I'll add a vote of support for Yandex. It usually has good results,
though it really depends on what you are searching for. I did some
test queries asking random linux questions and the link containing the
solution was usually higher in the list on Yandex when compared to
Google. Comparing local shopping prices in the US, use Google

Based on my web server logs, the bots which check the most often are:

1. Baidu
2. MJ12
3. Gootkit auto-rooter
4. Bing
5. Yandex
6. Yobao
7. Google
8. ZmEu

3 and 8 are bots trying exploits,  2 is not a search engine, 1 and 6
are not available in English, 4 is Microsoft, and 7 is excluded for
the present conversation. So, Yandex seems a good choice. In fact, the
only remaining choice. :)

BTW, the Baidu spider hits my site more than all of the others combined...

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