On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 18:13, Joerg Schilling
<joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de> wrote:
> Then you need to get the layerbreak value from your authoring software and you
> need to tell your authoring software to introduce padding. As mentioned 
> before,
> mkisofs hnors the paddung that is announced in the IFO file and it cannot
> introduce padding that is not mentioned in the IFO file.

I thought mkisofs _was_ an authoring software for data isos.

Experimental results have shown that mkisofs uses alpha-sort instead
of inode, directory-order, ctime, or mtime sort.
Is this required as per ISO 9660?

Also, is there a way to enable a debug mode so that mkisofs states
Dir X: File Y: LBA Z
for each file?

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