>>>> Thanks for the suggestions everyone.  It sounds like chromium and
>>>> midori are the most popular here but lots of other suggestions I will
>>>> look into too.
>>>  Thanks for posting the question.  I found out about midori, thanks to
>>> this thread.  It passes *MY* "acid test".  I'm a paying subscriber to
>>> both live365.com (internet radio) and NHL Gamecenter Live (NHL Hockey),
>>> and they both work fine under midori.  Both of them rely heavily on
>>> Flash.
>> I think I'm switching to midori.  Does anyone know how to beautify it
>> just a bit?  Smoother fonts and maybe just a bit of edge roundness?
>> - Grant
> Ouch, is copy/paste in midori working for anyone?  I seem to be bitten
> by this bug which has no resolution:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/midori/+bug/707888
> - Grant

Flash isn't working for me either:


Also bookmark support is super-buggy and I have to 'paxctl -m
/usr/bin/midori' to avoid crashing on some websites.

- Grant

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