On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 12:47:36 -0800
Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> LOL.  Except not really.  Am I totally screwed or is there some
> little-known method for kick-starting an apparently dead HD?
> Everything was fine until it was rebooted.  Multiple reboots always
> come back to:
> Invalid Boot diskette- Enter BOOT diskette into A:
> Cracks about how if the system is old enough to have a floppy drive
> then it's overdue for a dead HD are appropriate.
> - Grant

It could be the boot sector of the drive that is bad. You should boot
off a live CD and see how far you can get with the drive. If you can
read it with no problem reinstall grub and see how it does with the
boot afterwards.


Willie Matthews

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