On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:10:45AM -0800, Grant wrote:
> [snip]
> > I've been using xautolock for years and years. What's good about it is you
> > can have any 'locker' you want. For now, I'm using feh in slideshow mode.
> > For another, you can specify another program as a 'killer' such as a suspend
> > or hibernate script. However, for a traditional ss, I have been using xlock
> > forever - many more modes than xscreensaver, and just a simple binary to
> > worry about.
> >
> > Terry
> I think I'm going with xautolock and either vlock or xlockmore.  It
> looks like there isn't an init.d script for xautolock.  What is the
> best way to run it automatically in Gentoo?
> Is there a keyboard shortcut to trigger xautolock?
> - Grant

Grant, I run it among the startup scripts of my window manager. You could
also put it ~/.xinitrc, but I don't think you can start it before your X
server is up and running.  If your wm has a keyboard shortcut config, it
would be simple to bind it to a key, as well.  HTH.


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