Hi. On several of my gentoo workstations, I'm using a kernel generated
from genkernel together with autoconfig to autodetect the machine
I'm having a few problems with dhcp. On some machines, when starting
net.eth0 complains that dhcpcd is already active, and refuses to go
up. It seemed autoconfig was trying to get an ip address on its own.
So, I got 'nodhcp' in kernel parameters to avoid it.
autoconfig now doesn't broadcast for ip address and lets net.eth0 do
its work. However, autoconfig is overwriting my /etc/conf.d/net,
commenting out the 'iface_eth0' line. I don't see any way to avoid
this apart from editting the autoconfig script itself (which doesn't
seem to be the Right Thing to do).

What can I be missing?

Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora          | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil              |

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