Hi all,
I'm working on the exciting and challenging task of installing Gentoo
on a new Macbook Pro with grub2 and EFI. I've got things booting, but
every time grub complains of many missing commands including search,
echo,  and most surprisingly '['. It also can't find any modules, and
in order to get everything to work I had to specify about 10 modules
to be built in using grub2-mkimage. This feels a little suboptimal to
me, but I can't figure out where various things need to be for grub to
find them happily.

My partition layout at least is simple since I don't plan on dual booting:
/dev/sda1: big root partition using ext4
/dev/sda2: 200MB vfat EFI partition, set to bootable (yes this should
be sda1: I didn't know you needed an EFI partition until after I had
already made the root partition and started installing things. I was
able to add this partition later with gparted)

Of course I'm using GPT, not MBR.

On /dev/sda2 I've got the grub2 image at /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI as is
standard, and I have been mounting /dev/sda2 at /boot/efi. I can put
either a grub2 image or a 3.3 kernel with EFI stub support at
/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI and it gets detected just fine, so I'm on the
right track.

I've tried messing with various permutations of the -p parameter to
grub2-mkimage, but haven't gotten anywhere. Right now the *.mod and
*.lst files from /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/ can be found at both
/boot/grub2/x86_64-efi and /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/. Where is it that they
actually should be?


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