On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:15:19AM -0400, Todd Goodman wrote
> I've been getting the following "Ping-ponging" of fltk for maybe a
> couple weeks now.
> What I mean is that I have x11-libs/fltk-2.0_pre6970-r1:2 installed and
> slotted.
> When I emerge -avD --changed-use world it wants to slot install
> x11-libs/fltk-1.3.0-r1
> x11-libs/fltk is in world.
> However after having both slots installed and emerge --depclean wants to
> remove x11-libs/fltk-1.3.0-r1.
> Then the next time I emerge world it wants to put it back, etc etc etc
> Is there something screwy with the slotting?

  Yes, there is something screwy with the slotting.  Are you running
dillo test builds or anything else that requires fltk?  There is extreme
brokeness in the numbering/versioning scheme.  Long story...

* in the beginning was fltk-0.x.y.z
* it was superceded by fltk-1.0.x.y.z
* which was superceded by fltk-1.1.x.y.z
* which was superceded by fltk-1.2.x.y.z

* someone came along and did *AN UNOFFICIAL VERSION* with a few
  "additional goodies" and in "a fit of Firefoxity", bumped the major
  version number.  So it became fltk-2.0.x.y.z

* *THE OFFICIAL VERSION* superceded fltk-1.2.x.y.z and fltk-2.0.x.y.z
  with fltk-1.3.x.y.z

  So, yes, fltk-1.3.x.y.z is a newer version than fltk-2.0.x.y.z.
Unfortunately, Gentoo/Portage only knows version numbers, and as far as
it's concerned 2.0 > 1.3.  Gentoo is not responsible for this garbage.
You have to fix this problem manually by...

unmerge =x11-libs/fltk-2.0_pre6970-r1

  Note that fltk-2.0_pre6970-r1.ebuild contains the comments...

# NOTE: KEYWORDS removed in purpose since everything from gentoo-x86 is
# using
#       FLTK 1.3.0 series from SLOT="1" now
#KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86"

  fltk-1.3 will handle what fltk-2.0 handled, unless you have some very
hard-coded software.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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