With the recent speed bump on my ADSL service from 5 megabps to 6
(don't laugh), I can now download 1080p Youtube Flash videos almost fast
enough to keep up.  E.g. a 20 or 25 second headstart will allow me to
play a 5 minute video before it has to buffer.  On some html5 videos
(Firefox with USE="webm"), The download is actually a touch faster than
the playback, and there's no buffering at all.

  Some of you may remember my struggles to get my 4-year-old Dell to
eventually display hockey games on NHL GameCenter even at the lowest
available speed using the onboard Intel GPU.  Well, I can play the HD
Youtube videos with the "small player" or "large player", but fullscreen
is hopeless.  The onboard GPU can't keep up.  So I'm looking at getting
a PCI video card.  Any relatively new PCI video card that is supported
by an open-source driver, including hardware acceleration?  Any
experiences, good/bad/so-so?

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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