The 30/05/12, Grant wrote:

> So if I see a way that their coding could be improved (faster
> execution, greater legibility, etc) I just keep quiet about it?

Improvements is only one aspect of where to focus the efforts.

> How often should I read their code?  I was planning on reading it a lot.

In small teams, these tasks (including making releases) are usually done
by the software maintainer.  To know what to do, you should be clear
about who will be in charge of releasing the software. A SVC is
*required* and the tool choice should be a team choice.

Once done and roles assigned, it will be really easy for you to know
what you can/should do or not. Anybody can act/interact as different
role as long as the role is well defined (e.g. while reviewing code, you
do reviewing code /only/ and might discuss the design choices but the
final technical decision must stay in the hands of the software

FMPOV the key role is the maintainer. The job requires both good
technical knowlegde and a large project view.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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