Every time I take the time to think through and write something like
this up, I solve it pretty quickly afterwards. I'll tell you how I
solved it. GCC wasn't the problem, and gcc-config -l wouldn't of done
any good because I only had one gcc. So I created a simple hello.c
that fprint("Hello Working GCC\n"); Then I tried to compile it. I
noticed in the error message (btw, it did not compile) about a library
and binutils. So I already had my emerge setup that if I wanted to
install a bin-package, I could, so I grabbed a bin package of
binutils. hello.c compiled, but I didn't want to get excited too soon.
I had to see if emerge would work without error, and it did. I
compiled a newer kernel and now I need to recompile libtools because
you're supposed to do that everytime you upgrade your gcc. I will
recompile binutils also so it will have optimizations for my hardware.

Christopher Lemire <christopher.lem...@gmail.com>
Ubuntu 64 bit Linux Raid Level 0

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Web: http://linuxinnovations.blogspot.com
Jabber: recursivequicks...@jabber.org

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Todd Goodman <t...@bonedaddy.net> wrote:
> * Christopher Lemire <christopher.lem...@gmail.com> [120716 08:08]:
> [..]
>> Making a simple Hello World and attempting to compile:
>> bullshark@beastlinux ~ % cat hello.c
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> main() {
>>   printf("Hello Working GCC\n.");
>> }
>> bullshark@beastlinux ~ % gcc hello.c -o hello
>> /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.5.3/../../../../i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/as:
>> symbol lookup error:
>> /usr/lib/binutils/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.21.1/libopcodes-2.21.1.so:
>> undefined symbol: buffer_read_memory
>> bullshark@beastlinux ~ %
> You might need to run gcc-config.
> Try gcc-config -l and make sure one of the selections has an * next to
> it.
> If not, run gcc-config <cc profile>
> where <cc profile> is the name you see in the gcc-config -l output (like
> i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.5.3, for example)
> Todd

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