On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 8:51 AM, James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking into setting up a stock market monitoring
> and trading workstation on Gentoo. Any suggestions
> or experiences are welcome.
> James

Good luck. I don't envy you and I (attempt to) do this for a living at home...

TTBOMK there are no _real_ trading platforms available publicly
specifically for Linux. Probably your best bet is to look at the stuff
developed with R which is quite interesting but has a very high
learning curve. (VERY HIGH) These packages are all part of the
'TradeAnalytics' project in R.

Specific R packages:


I've used quantstrat more than the others, and have played with
blotter a bit. As this is all R-based it works in Linux AFAIK. That
said I do everything in Windows VMs running in Virtualbox myself and
just use Windows software, including the above packages running in a
Windows R-gui.


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