Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The build pulled in 20 other perl packages and is running currently.
>> Should I expect trouble from doing it this way?
> Yes, if the dependencies are not in your outdated portage tree, although
> it appears you got away with it this time.
> Why don't you want an up to date portage tree?

Its not that I don't want an updated portage tree.   Its just that
I've let my installation get fairly aged while doing other things for
the last several mnths.  

In that time I've forgotten most of what goes into keeping an updated
system running smooth.

Last time I updated portage it seems I had lots of other things arise
from that.  It took a few weeks to get running smoothly again.

Right now I didn't want to spend the time on it since I'm heavily
involved with video editing on several projects and am in the middle
of getting my property ready for sale to boot.

I would like to see an outline of what it takes to update the whole
system but as I recall its all in gentoo documentation but will
require quite extensive reading.

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