I've recently installed GeForce4 MX440 AGP 8x
into my gentoo box and got it working.
Bootsplash, opengl and so on..
But one serious problem remains.
I have 90% chance to get garbled screen right after system reboot
when bios is starting hw checks. The problem goes away
after a random number of poweroffs.
Is there a way to fix this?

If you've upgraded the bios on the motherboard, then trash the motherboard.
It's not doing a proper reset to the AGP bus.

Other possibility is the chip on the MX440 is on the slow side of things and 
the reset
is too short for it.  Generally, the chip will eventually get slower as it ages 
and the problem
will get worse.

Thanks for the hint Bob,
Upgraded the bios. The problem's still there:(
As I don't reboot very often I may live with this for a while.

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