Grant wrote:
> I have forgotten the root password of my remote server.  Is there any
> way to retrieve or reset it?

This is my way to solve your problem (and a lot of other problems too):

Ask some guy on remote side do this:

1. Put Knoppix CD into drive and reboot

2. answer "knoppix 2" to "boot:" prompt and hit Enter
    (If prompt doesn't occur, it's probably necessary
      to change booting order in BIOS.)

3. when root prompt "#" appears, write these commands:

   # ifconfig eth0 "server's-IP" netmask "proper-netmask"

   # route add default gw "gateway's-IP"

   # passwd
     put twice this password: word

   # /etc/init.d/sshd start

If everything went OK, u have now remote access to the server
and u can do anything u like.
U can change password, repair broken lilo or grub setup,
repair broken filesystem, install gentoo ... etc.

To change password, follow these steps:

mv ~/.ssh/known_hosts{,.bak}
mkdir /gentoo
mount /dev/"root-device" /gentoo
chroot /gentoo
passwd    (now u are changeing server's password)
exit   (from chroot)
init 6; exit   (server reboot)
mv ~/.ssh/known_hosts{.bak,}
Ask remote guy take out Knoppix CD and press "Enter".

U can adopt this receipt to any other bootable media (CD, DVD, usb key,
HDD, etc.) with nearly any live linux on it (Gentoo, Slax ...)

HTH, noro
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